Childbirth Center at Willowbrook

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Mother with newborn baby

Specialized Childbirth Care in Northwest Houston
Our board-certified OB-GYNs and Midwives provide highly specialized childbirth care for moms-to-be who want more options. Your dedicated birthing team delivers the level of care you need and are comfortable with — with the advanced care needed if challenges arise. We offer:


  • A collaborative team of pediatricians, neonatologists, pain management specialists and registered birthing nurses that work closely with your OB-GYN or midwife
  • A level III NICU to closely monitor high-risk and premature babies
  • Breastfeeding support and childbirth classes, as well as postpartum care and education

Take a Tour of the Childbirth Center at Willowbrook

Every parent-to-be wants a supportive, caring environment to welcome their new baby into the world - and we want to be that place for you. See how we do it in this virtual tour of our Childbirth Center, a full-service facility providing prenatal, labor, delivery, postpartum and neonatal care. 

Childbirth Center Resources

Midwifery Services

The Houston Methodist Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates at Willowbrook offers midwifery services. Midwifery care provides a supportive, home-like environment for expectant mothers with low-risk pregnancies who are seeking “high-touch, low-intervention” prenatal, obstetric and gynecologic care. 


Click HERE to find out more about our midwifery services at Willowbrook and Tomball locations. 

Classes and Tours


Houston Methodist Childbirth Center at Willowbrook offers a variety of virtual and in-person classes presented by our childbirth educator. Click here to check availability and to register.



  • Childbirth Center Tour
  • Taking Baby Home Class
  • Prepared Childbirth Class
  • Breastfeeding Class
  • Infant Care Class
  • Sibling Class



Click here to register for a free tour or take a virtual tour by viewing the video above!

YoMingo Education App

In addition to the live classes, we offer our patients complimentary access to YoMingo. This is a web-based, educational platform with evidence-based content for labor and birth, infant care and breastfeeding.


Patients can click here to register for YoMingo.

Maternity Preregistration

Plan ahead and preregister for your stay with us. The best time to preregister is between 20-26 weeks into your pregnancy. You may begin your registration online, however, you will need to complete your registration in person by signing consent forms. We strongly recommend you come to the hospital before your due date (as early as possible) to finish your registration. This will allow you to go directly to the Childbirth Center when you arrive at the hospital to have your baby. No appointment is needed to complete this step, simply stop by our registration desk on the second floor of the Women's and Children's Pavilion (see map below) anytime Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. For more information about registration, please call 281.737.2941.

To begin your maternity preregistration online, click here.

Birth Certificate and Social Security Card Information

At the hospital, you will be asked to complete the Mother’s Worksheet for Child’s Birth Certificate. You may begin the form at home or complete it during your stay. Prior to discharge, this form must be completed and validated for accuracy by one of our birth registrars. Learn more.


You can register for your baby's birth certificate and apply for his or her Social Security Number by clicking on the appropriate link below that will take you to the corresponding DocuSign forms: 

English Spanish

Campus Map

See our campus map here.

What to Pack for Labor and Delivery

Pack your bags at least one month prior to your expected delivery. Click here to view our checklist for labor and delivery.

Childbirth Center Brochure

View a copy of our Childbirth Center brochure here.

Breastfeeding & Lactation Services

Breastfeeding is a special time between mother and baby, and it is a bond that can take time for you and your baby to establish. As a Texas Ten Step designated hospital, we encourage breastfeeding as the preferred method of feeding newborns and infants. Lactation support is available to breastfeeding mothers. Our nursing staff is well trained to assist mothers with breastfeeding decisions to ensure you are comfortable feeding your baby during your stay with us and at home.


After discharge, lactation consultants and breastfeeding counselors are available for continued support and counseling. Call 281.737.2570 to leave a message and a nurse will return your call within 24 hours. For urgent needs concerning your baby’s health, please contact your pediatrician.


CLICK HERE for information about lactation services offered at Houston Methodist Childbirth Center at Willowbrook. 

Childbirth Amenities, Services & Staff


  • Newly renovated labor and delivery suites with spa-like, private bathrooms and self-controlled ambient lighting
  • Wireless, Bluetooth fetal monitoring available for patients who meet criteria
  • Comfortable, private antepartum rooms for high-risk patients who require 24/7 maternal-fetal monitoring
  • Birthing balls, mirrors and squat bar bed attachments to aid moms with natural deliveries (subject to physician consent)
  • Complimentary brunch for two and a cookie
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massages
  • Convenient, bedside USB charging ports
  • Cable TV
  • Smart TVs
  • Large, comfortable couches that pull out for overnight guests
  • Room service
  • Postpartum (mother-baby) suites with private bathrooms


BIRTHING NURSES: Our nurses are experienced, dedicated and have a true love and passion for newborns. We understand the impact a caring nurse can have on a mother’s birthing experience, which is why each mother is assigned a devoted nurse to care for her throughout her labor and delivery. A neonatal nurse, who brings a specialized level of training, is also present at every delivery to provide responsive care to your newborn. Our nursing team is dedicated to the health, safety and comfort of you and your baby before, during and after delivery.

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)

Trial of labor after Cesarean (TOLAC) is a planned or attempted vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) and is a birthing option available to expecting moms at our hospital.


Please consult with your OB-GYN to determine the delivery method best for you.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

In any unexpected moment, you can rely on us to be ready should anything unusual arise. Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital is prepared for those newborns who need extra care. Our level III NICU, located in the Women's and Children's Pavilion, is staffed by highly trained nurses and expert neonatology providers who monitor our high-risk and premature babies 24/7 on-site at Houston Methodist Willowbrook.


Babies who require a higher level of care are stabilized and transported to Texas Children’s Hospital in the Texas Medical Center. Safe and quick transfer is provided by Texas Children’s Hospital Kangaroo Crew. This is just one more assurance that your baby is receiving the best care.

Choosing a Pediatrician

The state requires every newborn to receive screenings which is why it is important to appoint a pediatrician when you register for delivery. Should you choose a pediatrician who does not practice at our hospital, an attending pediatrician who is on-staff will evaluate your newborn during your stay with us.


To find the right pediatrician, check with your insurance or call 281.737.2500.

Postpartum Physical Therapy

The weeks following childbirth are an important time for recovering your strength and function. For women, the postpartum period starts right after giving birth and lasts from about six weeks to several months.


Pelvic floor physical therapy addresses postpartum disorders, such as abdominal wall separation, incontinence, constipation and/or pain in the pelvic, vaginal and rectal areas. Our team of highly specialized physical therapists is well prepared to work with you to optimize your recovery and function.


A physician’s referral is required for starting pelvic floor physical therapy. For information or to schedule an appointment check with your OB-GYN or call 281.737.2500.

OB Emergencies

We have dedicated board-certified OB-GYNs on-site 24/7 to provide round-the-clock care for women and babies. Our partnership with Ob Hospitalist Group of Texas, a group of dedicated in-patient physicians who work exclusively at our hospital, allows our Childbirth Center to provide in-house 24/7 obstetric-designated emergency services for expecting moms who are 16 weeks or greater in their pregnancy.


These highly skilled OB hospitalists are trained to stabilize and manage an array of high-risk patients and have additional training for:

  • OB emergencies
  • Neonatal resuscitation
  • Advanced cardiac life support
  • High-risk fetal monitoring
  • Gynecological emergencies

Pregnancy & Childbirth "On Health" Blog Articles

Check out our pregnancy and childbirth articles in our "On Health" blog.

Caring for Mother and Baby

You want a supportive, caring environment to welcome your baby into the world, and we want to be that place for you. As an expecting parent, you probably have many questions. For more information about the services we offer, please click HERE to download the flyer. 

Infant Safe Sleep

Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), which includes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), is the leading cause of injury death in infancy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are about 3,400 sleep-related deaths among US babies each year. Sleep can be a challenge for families with babies, but following safe sleep recommendations can prevent many SUID fatalities. Learn more about infant safe sleep recommendations using the following resources:


Childbirth Center at Willowbrook

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