Pelvic & Genital Reconstruction

The highly trained surgeons at Houston Methodist offer the latest reconstructive surgical techniques in an environment of discretion and respect. The potential loss of sexual function, bowel and bladder control and sense of wholeness associated with congenital differences (from birth) and treatment of genito-urinary and colorectal malignancies can profoundly impact quality of life.

Surgeons can reverse impaired potency after radical prostate surgery through a technique called cavernous nerve grafting. Additionally, surgeons are using microsurgical techniques to correct external deformities of the male genitalia produced by trauma, tumor, infection or congenital differences including total penile reconstruction.

For women, treatment of gynecologic malignancies can result in functional and aesthetic losses of both the internal and external genitalia. Surgeons can relocate expendable local or regional tissue to reshape and restore function, sensation and femininity. Similar procedures help young women with congenital differences lead active lives.

Individuals with recurrent pelvic and colorectal tumors, radiation injury or complex wounds may also benefit from surgical techniques that import healthy, undamaged tissue with greater capacity to heal. Functional reconstruction of the bladder, sphincters and urethra are performed as well as gender reassignment (also known as sex reassignment surgery, SRS). Our reconstructive surgeons collaborate with urologists, gynecologists and colorectal specialists to draw on all possible expertise.

At Houston Methodist, we offer coordinated multidisciplinary care and advanced surgical reconstruction in a thoughtful environment to improve the quality of life for our patients while maintaining dignity.
Texas Medical Center
6560 Fannin Street
Scurlock Tower, Suite 2200
Houston, TX 77030