
The RNAcore at the Houston Methodist Research Institute is as a leader in RNA synthesis, generating RNA constructs for the scientific and medical communities in the Texas Medical Center and across the world. The RNAcore is supported by the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas. We also work with government, NGO and industry to further the development of cutting-edge RNA technologies.

The RNAcore as part of the Center for RNA Therapeutics, is on a mission to:
  • Perform rigorous research that reveals fundamental insights in RNA biology.
  • Translate those new findings into novel RNA-based products.
  • Assist other academic groups and small companies in developing their great ideas into transformative RNA therapeutics.

Researcher with HPLC machine

person in lab suit working on bioreactor

RNA Services

The RNAcore is staffed by experienced scientists who design, synthesize, validate, test and encapsulate high-fidelity RNA We can provide a wide range of generic or customized RNA molecules for any desired species, with various specified modifications for research and clinical-grade, including:

  • mRNA
  • modified mRNA (mmRNA)
  • self- amplifying RNA
  • Long noncoding RNA
  • Customized bicistronic constructs
  • Constructs with reporter genes
  • Lyophilization

Encapsulation Services

We provide RNA Lipid encapsulation (LNP) services as an integral service from idea to delivery.




Analytical Services

The RNAcore also provides services for assessing the purity, integrity, and identity of in-vitro transcribed RNA, following GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) guidelines. The following assays are provided on a fee-for-service basis:

  • Nucleic acid purity and concentration by UV Spectrophotometry
  • Nucleic acid integrity by Bioanalyzer/TAPE station (microfluidic electrophoresis)
  • Integrity and purity assessment by HPLC
  • Impurity assessment of Residual template DNA by qPCR
  • Impurity assessment of Residual E. Coli DNA by qPCR
  • Endotoxin testing of mRNA samples with the Nexgen-MCS
  • Analysis of size, charge, and encapsulation efficiency of lipid nanoparticles

Customized Vaccines

An example of the superiority of mRNA vaccines made by our RNAcore in comparison to the RNA made in an external academic lab as assessed by the immune response of vaccinated animals. Attention to sequence, structure, base modifications, purification, encapsulation and other factors can improve translational efficiency and efficacy of RNA products.

Contact Us

RNAcore Director:
John P. Cooke M.D. PhD

Program Manager for Business Development:
Elisa Morales, MS.