Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (BBI) Core
Core Directors:
Biostatistics Co-Director
Sunil Mathur, PhD
Bioinformatics Co-Director:
Zheng Yin, PhD
For scheduling resources of this core, contact our Core Manager.
Core Manager:
Tian Ding
To learn more or request services, complete the Service Request Form in iLab to begin the process.
The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core provides comprehensive assistance in all aspects of your research.
Key Services:
Biostatistics Core Services supports consultation on biostatistics and epidemiology through experimental designs, study monitoring, data analyses, general consulting and grant preparation support on all phases of basic science, translational, clinical, epidemiological, and prevention research.
- Proposing developing sound statistical designs
- Power/sample size calculations,
- Research proposals,
- Statistical analysis plans
- Protocol development
- Devising and executing final data analyses
- Tables, statistical graphics
- Assisting with interpretation and reporting study results
- Manuscript Writing
- Supporting ongoing studies
- randomization
- interim analyses
- safety and data monitoring
- data management
- Analysis of data sets from studies already completed; the design of clinical trials or laboratory experiments; help with the revision of papers for publication or interpretation of results reported by other investigators.
- Set up and conduct randomization of patients into the treatment arms of controlled trials.
- Outcomes and registry data
- Preparation of grant and contract applications for submission to various funding agencies.
Bioinformatics Core Services provides a wide range of biomedical informatics (BMI) and data analytics support to researchers throughout Houston Methodist Hospital (HMH). Biomedical informatics is an essential tool to further patient care through clinical and translational research. At Houston Methodist, the professionals of the Bioinformatics Core focus on developing, integrating and consulting many different informatics tools for research use. Our expertise in genetics, bioinformatics, bioimaging, database development, image analysis, high-performance computing and clinical informatics allows us to make implementing clinical and translational research at Houston Methodist an easier task. We do this by offering consulting and other services. The core services range from DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analysis to scientific consultation, genomic prediction, and molecular modeling; Next-generation Sequence Analysis, Microarray Analysis, Information Management Systems, Custom Application Programming, and database searching and management.
- Bioinformatics – Microarray, SNP detection, RNAseq, CHiPSeq, Fluidigm, next-generation sequencing, and other platforms
- Data analysis – Genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, proteomic, metabolomic, clinical, and image data analysis
- Cluster computing solutions
- Experimental design and evaluation
- Gene/target/disease analysis
- Image and data acquisition, processing, analysis, retrieval, and management
- Utilization of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies, including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques, in order to generate and test hypotheses in “big data” contexts
- Expertise on biomarker analysis and electric health records (EHR)
- EHR data exports
- Analysis and execution/implementation of data requests, queries, and project-specific “datamarts” corresponding to the contents of the hospital’s comprehensive research data warehouse that is fed by enterprise-wide clinical information systems and optimized for secondary use purposes
- Query and analysis of publicly available datasets
- Integration and harmonization of complex and multi-scale datasets in order to support systems-level analyses of patient and population level phenotypes
- Establish interfaces between the EHRs and reporting/analytics platforms to enable rapid and timely query and integration of data across entities
- Proposal planning and manuscript assistance
- In vitro and in vivo quantitative imaging
- Statistical analysis – Sample size and power estimation, basic and advanced analyses
- Web portal and database development
Publication Acknowledgement:
If research supported by the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource Core results in publication, please acknowledge this support in your publication(s).
Given that the Houston Methodist Cancer Center (HMCC) staff member has contributed to the research in a substantial way, charging for statistical services does not exclude HMCC faculty and staff from authorship on manuscripts. Ideally, determination for authorship will be established at the beginning of the project so that both researchers are aware of each other’s criteria. As project goals and expectations change, the authorship agreement can be revisited. HMCC uses the current International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations regarding authorship.
The ICMJE recommends that authorship should be “based on the following 4 criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.”
Given that these 4 criteria are met, HMCC BBI Core faculty/staff should be invited to be a co-author on the manuscript, regardless if the researcher is charged for services or not.
Cancer Center Shared Resources:
Shared Resources
In support of its research activities, the Houston Methodist Dr. Mary and Ron Neal Cancer Center has developed a number of shared resources. These resources are available to all Houston Methodist investigators to facilitate their research goals. Our Shared Resources provides state-of-the-art support services and technologies that deliver empowering and cost-effective support to our clinical, population and basic science investigators.
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