Office of Technology Transfer


At Houston Methodist, fostering innovations with the potential for clinical application is at the very heart of what we do. Our interdisciplinary teams of clinicians, nurses and researchers are committed to streamlining the process of translating discoveries into treatments and cures.

The Office of Technology Transfer is committed to this vision. It is our mission to maximize the impact of institutional innovations and research excellence by facilitating the translation and commercialization of scientific discoveries into accessible healthcare products and services that benefit patients worldwide.
Partner With Us

Houston Methodist Hospital has a history of collaboration with corporations to leverage the hospital’s excellence in cutting-edge clinical research, technology development, and outreach to maximize opportunities that advance healthcare discoveries.

We can assist in facilitating discussions with our talented researchers and clinicians working in your areas of interest that could lead to partnerships and collaborations through commercialization or sponsored research.

If you are interested in exploring potential opportunities, contact us today - we look forward to talking to you.
headshot of John Schultz
John A. Schultz, MBA, CLP


John is currently the Director for the Office of Technology Transfer at Houston Methodist Hospital and Research Institute. Previously, he was Acting Vice President of Business Development at Pharmozyme Inc., an engineered enzyme production platform company. Prior to that he was Vice President of Corporate Development at Intrexon Corporation where he led all corporate development activities supporting a portfolio of synthetic biology assets in the healthcare, food and industrial biotech sectors. He was also Director of Business Development at Roche Tissue Diagnostics and the Senior Vice President of Licensing and Strategic Development at Clinical Data Inc. a drug development (vilazodone) and laboratory services provider of patient testing and contract DNA sequencing services for pharma, which was acquired by Forest Laboratories. John has also worked in various general management, sales and marketing positions for BioChem Pharma and Sigma-Aldrich Chemical. He began his career as the Asia-Pacific Sales and Marketing Manager –for Mallinckrodt. He joined the Office of Technology Transfer in 2016.

headshot of Belisa Diaz
Belisa Diaz, PhD
Senior Licensing Associate – Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Digital Health, Medical Devices
Belisa earned her B.S. in Microbiology from Texas A&M University and her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences with an emphasis in immunology from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. She has over 10 years of technology transfer experience in assessment, protection, marketing, and commercialization of intellectual property both from the Office of Technology Commercialization at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and in her current position at Houston Methodist. She joined the Office of Technology Transfer in 2014.
headshot of Sandhya Raghuraman
Sandhya Raghuraman, MS
Senior Licensing Associate – Medical Devices, Software and Digital Health, Inteum Administration, Website, Lab Notebooks Coordinator

Sandhya holds a M.S. in Bioengineering from the University of Utah with a research focus in biomedical instrumentation. Post-graduation, she interned in the university’s Technology Commercialization Office as a Technology Analyst for physical and biological sciences. Following this, she worked as a Lab Manager for the Computational Biomedicine Lab at the University of Houston. Sandhya works in various areas of technology transfer - technology assessment, contract negotiation, and technology marketing. She joined the Office of Technology Transfer in 2016.
Dawn Banas, MBA
Senior Licensing Associate – Material Transfer Agreements, Data Use Agreements (data transferred with materials), Lab Notebooks, Invention Disclosures, Bayh-Dole/iEdison Reporting

Dawn earned her B.S. in Nutrition from The University of Texas at Austin, and M.B.A. from Texas Woman’s University Executive MBA Program with a health care administration emphasis (TWU Institute of Health Sciences- Houston). She has 15 years of intellectual property, legal, and research contracts experience (i.e. Material Transfer Agreements, Data Transfer Agreements, Collaboration Agreements, and private industry Study Orders for Strategic Alliance Agreements) from Legal Services at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, in addition to laboratory management experience in the Department of Experimental Therapeutics. Early in her career, she gained direct patient care and clinical experience in hospital and community settings through the Coordinated Program in Dietetics at The University of Texas at Austin, in addition to several years of business experience as an account manager. Dawn joined the Office of Technology Transfer as a Senior Licensing Associate in 2021.
headshot of Joe Veliz
Joe Veliz, BS
Senior Financial Analyst

Joe earned his B.S. in Accounting from the University of Houston – Clear Lake. He has worked for Houston Methodist Hospital for over twelve years. During his tenure, Joe has worked in the Financial Accounting department, Cancer Clinical Trials department, and currently, in the Office of Technology Transfer department. Joe joined the Office of Technology Transfer in 2019.


Licensable Technologies


Pipeline Products


Credentialed Researchers
Research Highlights
2024 Digital Health Workshop Seed Fund Award Winners Announced
Houston Methodist researchers and their collaborators from Rice University have been awarded grants from the 2024 PATHS-UP Digital Health Workshop.
Houston Methodist, Rice University launch groundbreaking Digital Health Institute
This initiative builds on ongoing collaborations between Houston Methodist and Rice University to transform the future of health care.
Knee Surgery Goes Pro
To investigate osteochondral allograft outcomes in the specific population of high-level professional athletes, Sachin Allahabadi, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery at Houston Methodist, published a recent study.
A Healthy Combination: Simulation and Quality of Care Professionals Collaborate for Unparalleled Care

A national team of anesthesiologists and surgeons is specifically calling for more collaboration between simulation and health care quality professionals to improve patient safety and quality of care.

A New Age of Wound Care
Treating wounds with telomerase mRNA in a lipid nanoparticle counteracts telomere shortening to improve wound healing.
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Questions About Licensing and Partnership Opportunities?

Contact Us: 713.441.6759