Academic Technology

The Houston Methodist Academic Institute Office of Academic Technology & Informatics Services is dedicated to supporting its researchers and educational partners through innovative solutions that automate processes and provide hardware and software solutions. There are three components of the office:

  • Application Development
  • Technology Operations
  • Clinical Research and Informatics


Application Development
The Application Development team consists of developers, business analysts and business intelligence specialists. We work closely with research staff and administrators to provide solutions related to regulatory committees and requirements, study administration, training, educational programs and reporting. Major applications we support include:


  • MORTI (Methodist Online Research Technology Initiative): Study administration, regulatory committees, conflicts of interests, grants management, faculty appointments, agreements, etc.
  • MERLIN (Methodist Education and Research Learner Information Network): Supports education and research trainee application, selection and orientation processes
  • Learner’s Portal: Track current HMAI trainees and alumni information, facilitating collaboration
  • RI Toolbox: online portal designed to provide reporting and business intelligence solutions to the HMAI community, using data from various systems in the Houston Methodist network
  • Scholars: Provides robust information facilitating faculty profiles and reports, containing publications, grants, clinical trials, academic activity, social media impact, and key areas of expertise.


We also provide reporting and analytics to help guide HMAI business decisions.


Technology Operations
The research technology Operations team consists of specialized analysts and provides support for laboratory-specific applications and specialized technology operations. We assist HMAI staff with unique research related technology needs and are actively involved in onboarding processes. The purchasing of all software and computer-related items is coordinated through our office, as well as consultations regarding data storage and server solutions for large-scale academic projects.


Major applications supported include:

  • iLab: Request, schedule and bill for Research Core services
  • Data storage and collaboration tool enabled for specialized needs
  • Chematix: Chemical inventory system
  • Biorepository: Track accessioning, storage and usage of research specimens


We also support several lab or core specific applications not listed here.


Clinical Research and Informatics

The Clinical Research and Informatics team consists of specialized analysts that deliver reliable, consistent, and compliant technology solutions that compliment and support the research community. Our systems facilitate clinical trial data management, cohort discovery and query-based tools, and high-performance computing needs.


Major applications supported include:

  • CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System): Manages clinical trial enrollment, study calendars, sponsor financial management. Interfaces with our electronic health record system
  • TriNetX: Facilitates external clinical trial solicitation as well as internal cohort querying and analytics
  • REDCap: Data collection and survey capabilities for clinical research
  • XNAT: Image collection and organization tool capable of calculating complex threads on groups of images
  • High Performance Computing: Complex cluster of servers (nodes) in the Houston Methodist data center that facilitates parallel threading to exponentially boost delivery of data-intensive computational processes.


We also provide consultation services for clinical research software and solutions.