
John P. Cooke M.D. PhD


Program Manager for Business Development:
Elisa Morales, MS



Email: RNAcore@houstonmethodist.org



To learn more about the RNAcore and to request services or a quote, contact us directly, download our brochure or place your order through iLab Solutions.


The RNAcore at the Houston Methodist Research Institute is as a leader in RNA synthesis, generating RNA constructs for the scientific and medical communities in the Texas Medical Center and across the world. The RNAcore is supported by the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas. We also work with government, NGO and industry to further the development of cutting-edge RNA technologies.


The RNAcore as part of the Center for RNA Therapeutics, is on a mission to:


  • Perform rigorous research that reveals fundamental insights in RNA biology.
  • Translate those new findings into novel RNA-based products.
  • Assist other academic groups and small companies in developing their great ideas into transformative RNA therapeutics.


RNA Services

RNA Core Bioreactor

Contact Us

Email: RNAcore@houstonmethodist.org

Phone: 713.441.7283

To learn more about the RNAcore and to request services or a quote, contact us directly, download our brochure or place your order through iLab Solutions.

a circle of symbols showcasing the services that RNAcore provides





RNACore in the news

Ongoing RNAcore Projects


diagram of telomerase therapy

Telomerase mRNA treatment increases telomere length and  reverses most of the stigmata of senescence in vascular cells. We find that iPSC-derived endothelial cells from patients with Hutchison Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) have shorter telomeres, reduced replicative capacity and function (e.g. ability to generate nitric oxide or form networks in Matrigel), increased release of inflammatory cytokines, aberrant transcriptional profile, abnormal cell and nuclear morphology, and DNA damage. All of these abnormalities are fully or partially reversed by two transfections with mRNA encoding human telomerase. In a murine model of HGPS, overexpression of telomerase using a lentiviral vector also improves vascular function, reduces DNA damage, and mice live longer (see Mojiri A et al, Eur Heart J, 2021)


schematic of telomerase therapy

Transflammation induces a glycolytic shift (increased glycolysis, reduced oxidative phosphorylation) that is associated with mitochondrial export of citrate to the nucleus. There, the citrate is converted to acetylcoA for histone acetylation, to increase DNA accessibility required for cell fate transitions. (See Li et al, Circulation 2019)

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