Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
U.S. PATIENTS:713.790.3333
Find a Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Specialist
Plastic surgeons at Houston Methodist are experts in both cosmetic surgery and the reconstructive surgery techniques needed to restore form and function lost due to trauma, tumor, disease or congenital conditions.
Our team of highly skilled surgeons offer:
- Personalized treatment tailored to your specific condition and unique needs
- Access to the latest tools and technology
- Expertise across all medical disciplines
- Coordinated care with other specialists treating your condition
Expertise in Microsurgical Reconstruction
Our highly trained reconstructive surgeons are leaders in microsurgical reconstruction, a sophisticated surgical technique that can improve both functional and aesthetic outcomes.
Microsurgical procedures enable our experts to use your own tissue to reshape or reform your body, leading to more natural looking and functioning results. This technique requires immense skill and specialized training. It involves re-establishing arteries and veins to ensure the transplanted tissue remains healthy, as well as even repairing damaged nerves to restore sensation and movement in some cases.
Our experts leverage microsurgical techniques during reconstruction of the breast, mouth, jaw, neck, scalp, face and pelvis.
Offering the Full Spectrum of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Services
Whether the aim is to improve appearance, function or mobility, our plastic and reconstructive surgeons have the experience and skill needed to provide the best care and aesthetic results possible.
We offer the following plastic and reconstruction services:
Breast Reconstruction
Whether reconstructive surgery is needed before, during or after breast cancer or breast cancer treatment, our specialists use the most advanced surgical tools and techniques to reestablish your physique, as well as nerve function when possible.
Learn more about breast reconstruction >
Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery can improve the shape and form of various areas of your body — boosting your self-esteem and confidence as a result. Our expert plastic surgeons offer cosmetic procedures for every part of the body, including tummy tucks and liposuctions.
Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Our facial plastic surgeons specialize in the cosmetic procedures that can improve the aesthetics of your ears, nose, mouth, neck and skin. In addition, our facial reconstructive surgeons are experts in facial paralysis reconstruction surgery and the techniques needed to repair facial defects.
Learn more about facial plastic and reconstructive surgery >
Lower Extremity Reconstruction
Our highly trained surgeons use advanced surgical techniques to treat complex wounds, joints and bone injuries to lower extremities. By partnering with specialists in orthopedics, vascular surgery, infectious disease and rehabilitation medicine, we provide comprehensive care tailored to your specific condition.
Pelvic & Genitourinary Reconstruction
By collaborating with urologists, gynecologists, oncologists and colorectal specialists, our experts help restore function lost due to gynecologic cancers, colorectal malignancies and urinary tract conditions — using fertility-sparing techniques whenever possible. We can also help you regain control of your bladder or bowel, as well as restore your sexual function.
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