Salivary Gland Disease

Salivary gland disease attacks the tissues in the mouth and can cause swelling and pain, making it difficult to chew and swallow. It also prohibits the glands from producing saliva, which is used by the body to help swallow and digest food and to keep the mouth moist. Saliva travels from the glands into the mouth through ducts. The disease attacks these ducts and prohibits the saliva from performing its function, causing irritation.
Symptoms of Salivary Gland Disease
There are several symptoms of salivary gland disease, such as:
  • Dry mouth
  • Pain in the mouth
  • Swelling of the mouth and/or neck

Treating Salivary Gland Disease
Treatment options for salivary gland disease depend on the severity of the condition. One option is to use warm salt-water rinses, which reduce swelling and keep the mouth moist. This, along with proper hydration, can increase the production of saliva until the infection has been alleviated.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery