Ophthalmology Services

Doctors at the Houston Methodist provide a range of medical eye care, from complete exams and contact lens fittings to comprehensive medical and surgical eye care. In addition to conducting basic and clinical research in the structure, function, and diseases of the eye, ocular adnexa and visual system, our ophthalmologists are developing new medical therapies and innovative microsurgical techniques for prevention and treatment for blinding diseases.

Clinical and Surgical Services
Our highly skilled physicians are renowned for diagnosing and treating the most challenging eye-related cases, offering dedicated ophthalmology operating rooms, 24/7 emergency room access and ocular subspecialty coverage in the emergency room.
Houston Methodist is known for its on-site clinical outpatient evaluation and treatment facilities. On-site surgical suites are equipped with the most advanced technology, which allows our team of dedicated and multidisciplinary physicians to treat even the most complex cases.


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