Floaters, Flashes or
Retinal Detachment

A detached retina is a serious condition that will cause blindness if not immediately treated. Retinal detachment occurs when the retina is pulled away from the back of the eye (near the choroid) where it normally resides. The choroid is essential to the retina because it provides nutrients as well as oxygen to this layer. The retina serves as a liner for the inside of the eye, sensitive to light. Its primary function is to send messages to the brain through the optic nerve.
The symptoms of retinal detachment vary:
  • Blurry vision is common.
  • Floaters or small spots may appear and block an individual’s ability to see clearly. Floaters are characterized by dark, shadowy spots or lines and are most noticeable when looking at bright images or white walls.
  • Flashes can appear as if a bright light is turning off and on in the field of vision. What doctors often call a “dark curtain,” this visual impairment may cause an individual to lose consciousness.
If you suspect retinal detachment, seek medical attention immediately. A detached retina usually requires surgery to keep the retina pressed against the choroid and hold tissues in place until they heal.

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