Kenneth Podell, PhD

  • Houston Methodist neuropsychologist
  • Director of the Houston Methodist Concussion Center
  • Associate professor of neuropsychology in clinical neurology, Weill Cornell Medical College

Kenneth Podell, PhD

Areas of Expertise

  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Concussion
  • CTE
  • Memory problems
  • Neurodegenerative disease/dementia
  • Neuropsychology
  • Traumatic brain injury


American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
Graduate Center, City University of New York | 1992
Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Neuropsychology, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


  • Houston Astros, concussion consultant
  • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, consulting neuropsychologist
  • Houston Texans, Independent Neuropsychology Consultant
  • Rice University Athletics, concussion consultant


Neuropsychological and Health Literacy Correlates of Science Knowledge Among Older and Younger Healthy Adults
Woods, SP, Matchanova, A, Thompson Kamar, JL, Beltran-Najera, I, Alex, C, Medina, LD, Neighbors, C, Podell, K & Babicz Boston, MA 2024, , Perceptual and motor skills, vol. 131, no. 6, pp. 2085-2102.

Development of the Telephone-based Daily Instrumental Activities of Living (T-DIAL) to assess financial management remotely in older adults
Thompson, JL, Woods, SP, Webber, TA, Medina, LD, Podell, K, Yoshida, H, Evans, D, Ridgely, NC, Babicz, MA, Gomez, EM & Mustafa, A 2025, , Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 69-92.

Virtual reality-based cognitive exercise games in geriatric surgical patients: A pilot trial
Faisal, H, Masud, FN, Junhyoung, K, Podell, K, Xu, J, Boncyk, C, Taffet, GE & Boustani, MA 2024, , Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 293-296.

An Examination of the Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Concussions in Texas High School and Junior High Coaches
Jack, ML, Sumrall, K, Yonker, JC, Soto, A, Mathur, S & Podell, K 2024, , International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, vol. 1, no. aop, pp. 1-8.

Are accuracy discernment and sharing of COVID-19 misinformation associated with older age and lower neurocognitive functioning?
Matchanova, A, Woods, SP, Neighbors, C, Medina, LD, Podell, K, Beltran-Najera, I, Alex, C, Babicz, MA & Thompson, JL 2023, , Current Psychology, vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 12921-12933.

E.L., a modern-day Phineas Gage: Revisiting frontal lobe injury
de Freitas, PHM, Monteiro, RC, Bertani, RM, Perret, CM, Rodrigues, PC, Vicentini, J, de Morais, TMG, Rozental, SFA, Galvão, GF, de Mattos, F, Vasconcelos, FA, Dorio, IS, Hayashi, CY, dos Santos, JRL, Werneck, GL, Tocquer, CTF, Capitão, C, da Cruz, LCH, Tulviste, J, Fiorani, M, da Silva, MM, Paiva, WS, Podell, K, Federoff, HJ, Patel, DH, Lado, F, Goldberg, E, Llinás, R, Bennett, MVL & Rozental, R 2022, , The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, vol. 14, 100340.

Alterations to the gut microbiome after sport-related concussion in a collegiate football players cohort: A pilot study
Soriano, S, Curry, K, Sadrameli, SS, Wang, Q, Nute, M, Reeves, E, Kabir, R, Wiese, J, Criswell, A, Schodrof, S, Britz, GW, Gadhia, R, Podell, K, Treangen, T & Villapol, S 2022, , Brain, behavior, & immunity - health, vol. 21, 100438.,

Alterations to the gut microbiome after sport-related concussion in a collegiate football players cohort: A pilot study
Soriano, S, Curry, K, Sadrameli, SS, Wang, Q, Nute, M, Reeves, E, Kabir, R, Wiese, J, Criswell, A, Schodrof, S, Britz, GW, Gadhia, R, Podell, K, Treangen, T & Villapol, S 2022, , Brain, behavior, & immunity - health, vol. 21, pp. 100438.

Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening is Independently Associated with Concussion Symptom Severity in Youths
Babicz, MA, Woods, SP, Cirino, P, Presley, C, Colton, Z & Podell, K 2022, , Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 40-45.

Latent structure of a brief clinical battery of Neuropsychological tests administered in-home via telephone
Matchanova, A, Babicz, MA, Medina, LD, Rahman, S, Johnson, B, Thompson, JL, Beltran-Najera, I, Brooks, J, Sullivan, KL, Walker, RL, Podell, K & Woods, SP 2021, , Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 874-886.

Review of wearable technologies and machine learning methodologies for systematic detection of mild traumatic brain injuries
Schmid, W, Fan, Y, Chi, T, Golanov, E, Regnier-Golanov, AS, Austerman, RJ, Podell, K, Cherukuri, P, Bentley, T, Steele, CT, Schodrof, S, Aazhang, B & Britz, GW 2021, , Journal of neural engineering, vol. 18, no. 4, 041006.

How did individual differences in neurocognition and health literacy influence the initial uptake and use of health-related information about COVID-19?
Babicz, MA, Woods, SP, Matchanova, A, Medina, LD, Podell, K, Walker, RL, Fetterman, A, Rahman, S, Johnson, B, Thompson, JL, Sullivan, KL, Beltran-Najera, I, Brooks, J, Morales, Y & Avci, G 2021, , Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 497-513.

Multiple Neuroinvasive Pathways in COVID-19
Bougakov, D, Podell, K & Goldberg, E 2021, , Molecular Neurobiology, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 564-575.

The brain after COVID-19: Compensatory neurogenesis or persistent neuroinflammation?
Goldberg, E, Podell, K, Sodickson, DK & Fieremans, E 2021, , EClinicalMedicine, vol. 31, 100684.

Alterations to the gut microbiome after sport-related concussion and subconcussive impacts in a collegiate football players cohort
Soriano, S, Curry, K, Sadrameli, SS, Qi "Maria", W, Nute, M, Reeves , E, Kabir, R, Wiese, JR, Criswell, A, Schodrof, S, Britz, GW, Gadhia, RR, Podell, K, Treangen , T & Villapol, S 2021, , medRxiv.

At-Risk Tackling Techniques in American Football
Stockwell, DW, Blalock, R, Podell, K & Marco, RAW 2020, , Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 2325967120902714.

BDNF polymorphism in non-veridical decision making and differential effects of rTMS
Tulviste, J, Goldberg, E, Podell, K, Vaht, M, Harro, J & Bachmann, T 2019, , Behavioural Brain Research, vol. 364, pp. 177-182.

Sideline Sports Concussion Assessment
Podell, K, Presley, C & Derman, H 2017, , Neurologic Clinics, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 435-450.

Statements of Agreement from the Targeted Evaluation and Active Management (TEAM) Approaches to Treating Concussion Meeting Held in Pittsburgh, October 15-16, 2015
Collins, MW, Kontos, AP, Okonkwo, DO, Almquist, J, Bailes, J, Barisa, M, Bazarian, J, Bloom, OJ, Brody, DL, Cantu, R, Cardenas, J, Clugston, J, Cohen, R, Echemendia, R, Elbin, RJ, Ellenbogen, R, Fonseca, J, Gioia, G, Guskiewicz, K, Heyer, R, Hotz, G, Iverson, GL, Jordan, B, Manley, G, Maroon, J, McAllister, T, McCrea, M, Mucha, A, Pieroth, E, Podell, K, Pombo, M, Shetty, T, Sills, A, Solomon, G, Thomas, DG, Valovich McLeod, TC, Yates, T & Zafonte, R 2016, , Neurosurgery, vol. 79, no. 6, pp. 912-929.

Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on non-veridical decision making
Tulviste, J, Goldberg, E, Podell, K & Bachmann, T 2016, , Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 182-191.


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