Houston Methodist Cancer Center at Sugar Land recently expanded and upgraded its Infusion Center to better serve patients undergoing chemotherapy.


The new 7,450-square-foot Infusion Center – located on the second floor of the Houston Methodist Cancer Center at Sugar Land – is nearly twice the size of the old facility. It features 20 private rooms and a fast-track area with two chairs for patients who need a port flush or other quick procedure. An expanded on-site oncology pharmacy will enable the center to provide much-needed treatments in a timely manner.


In addition, the Infusion Center offers a range of customized services and amenities to provide a supportive, caring environment, including music therapy, pet therapy, specialized, technology to prevent hair loss, beverages, light snacks and even full meals for patients who must remain on-site through the lunch hour.


“The opening of the expanded Infusion Center is a major benefit for our patients, both in terms of ease of scheduling and in comfort and convenience,” said Amy Sebastian-Deutsch, director of oncology and infusion therapy services. “Patients undergoing chemotherapy spend a lot of time here, so we’ve eliminated as many of the hassles and stresses of treatment as possible by creating an Infusion Center that provides a warm and welcoming environment. The new center also frees up chairs at our IV Therapy Center for patients who are undergoing infusion therapy for non-cancer treatments such as autoimmune disorders.”


The hospital enlisted help from current chemotherapy patients in elements of the center’s design.


“For some patients, an infusion session can be as long as six hours, which means a lot of sitting,” said Sebastian-Deutsch. “So we conducted a ‘chair fair’ and allowed patients to try out a variety of designs from different manufacturers, to help us select the most comfortable model.”


The Infusion Center also expanded its staff to ensure better communication with patients. A majority of the Infusion Center nurses are oncology certified.


“Our staff understands the challenges that chemotherapy patients face, and they are experienced at providing compassion and support,” Sebastian-Deutsch said. “These patients become like family to us and we want to make certain they are receiving the best possible care.”


Houston Methodist Cancer Center at Sugar Land is the only comprehensive cancer center in Fort Bend to earn accreditation from the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. In addition to providing the full suite of oncology services and a slate of active clinical trials, the center offers a number of programs designed to help patients manage the emotional, social, physical and spiritual demands of a cancer diagnosis, including:

  • A robust survivorship program that offers support groups and a variety of therapeutic classes, including music therapy, drama therapy, yoga and massage.
  • A financial navigator who helps find grants, co-pay assistance and other financial support for patients who receive infusion treatments.
  • Oncology nurse navigators who provide emotional support, education about diagnosis and treatments, help in expediting appointments, and assistance with connections to community resources.
  • Specially trained oncology support personnel, including dieticians and chaplains, to ensure that patients are meeting their nutritional and spiritual needs.


“As our oncology program has grown over the years, the number of patients receiving infusion therapy has grown, as well,” said Sebastian-Deutsch. “Today, we are conducting more than 400 individual treatment sessions each month. Now, we have the space and chairs we need to continue to grow our program and better serve the community.” 


To learn more about Houston Methodist Cancer Center at Sugar Land, visit houstonmethodist.org/cancer-sl or houstonmethodist.org/sugarland. Houston Methodist Cancer Center at Sugar Land welcomes all local cancer survivors and caregivers to participate in the survivorship series, including free monthly music therapy, yoga and drama therapy classes designed to promote healing, discussion and camaraderie among local survivors. For more information or to register, visit houstonmethodist.org/events and search for survivorship, or call 281.274.7500.