Belinda Amboree

A progressive loss of vision ultimately led Belinda Amboree to consult with neuro-ophthalmologists at Houston Methodist. MRI testing revealed a particularly complex tumor that grew upward from her pituitary gland. As the tumor grew, it began to compress Belinda’s optic nerve, invade her sinuses and coil around the main arteries of her brain.

Surgeons at Houston Methodist Kenneth R. Peak Brain and Pituitary Tumor Treatment Center were able to remove about 95 percent of the tumor with the use of a sophisticated endoscopy procedure. Radiation oncologists then used state-of-the art imaging techniques to deliver precisely focused beams of radiation directly onto the remainder of the tumor to eradicate it. Today, Belinda is feeling so good she has to be told to slow down. 

Learn more about advanced treatment and procedures for brain and pituitary tumors.
Kenneth R. Peak Brain and Pituitary Tumor Treatment & Research Center 
Houston Methodist Hospital - Texas Medical Center
6445 Main Street, Outpatient Center, Floor 24
Houston, TX 77030 