Neuromuscular Disorders in Pregnancy

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Houston Methodist’s interdisciplinary neurology team has decades of expertise treating neuromuscular disorders in pregnancy. We apply the latest research and evidence-based treatments to create personalized care plans.

At Houston Methodist, your health during pregnancy is our priority. Our specialists are experts in treating neuromuscular disorders, and we work closely with the high-risk pregnancy team to manage complex health concerns. 

Existing neuromuscular conditions can first appear during pregnancy because symptoms may worsen due to extra strain on the body. However, some women develop neuromuscular problems during pregnancy and childbirth, such as: 




Our multidisciplinary care team is committed to providing world-renowned care for your condition during pregnancy. Here, you will receive top tier pregnancy and neuromuscular care, all backed by leading-edge scientific research.

Diagnosing & Treating Neuromuscular Disorders in Pregnancy

How are neuromuscular disorders in pregnancy diagnosed?

Diagnosis begins with a discussion of your overall health and symptoms. Your specialist may recommend specific testing, such as blood draws, a neurological exam, electromyography to record muscle activity or an MRI if imaging is considered safe for you. 

Some women experience frequent headaches, migraines and high blood pressure during pregnancy, which is associated with a risk of developing pre-eclampsia or stroke. Other conditions that sometimes arise during pregnancy include: 



Rarely, diseases that are unique to pregnancy and postpartum can arise, requiring hospitalization. Some of these include stroke, eclampsia, cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), pseudotumorcerebri (false brain tumor) or postpartum neuropathy. 

Depending on the results of your diagnostic testing, we will recommend a treatment plan to address the cause of your symptoms and reduce risk to your pregnancy. 

What treatments are available? 

Each neuromuscular disorder requires unique considerations to protect the mother’s health and reduce risk to the pregnancy. Depending on your unique needs, your care team may involve several specialists with expertise in maternal-fetal medicine, neurology and a range of other fields. As a team, we use a multidisciplinary, comprehensive approach to treat neurologic issues in pregnancy and improve your chances for positive outcomes.

What if I need advanced care or a second opinion?

Accurate diagnosis is key in managing neuromuscular conditions in pregnancy. Houston Methodist specialists will pinpoint the cause of your symptoms and build a personalized treatment plan to relieve your symptoms, reduce risk to the pregnancy and improve your chances for positive outcomes.

Find Clinical Trials

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Houston Methodist is leading the way in new research to find innovative treatment options. 

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