Spiritual Care & Education
Spiritual Care & Values Integration
The Department of Spiritual Care and Values Integration at Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital is committed to providing spiritual care to our patients, families, staff, and community, which respects and protects the rights of each person to embrace and practice his/her faith. The Department serves an integral role in providing holistic, interdisciplinary care, and is recognized as the foundation for the hospital’s spiritual environment of caring. Regardless of your beliefs and values, we strive to acknowledge and provide the support you desire to address your spiritual concerns and needs.
Staff Resources
Our staff chaplains and spiritual care volunteers offer 24-hour, 7-days a week spiritual support and resources. They provide a compassionate listening presence at times of physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. Through requests, referrals, and regular rounds, they offer prayer, sacraments, and spiritual resources and services, including communication with and support of your own spiritual leader. Our chaplains and spiritual care volunteers serve as your advocates on the interdisciplinary medical team providing your care.
Other Resources
Bibles (Spanish and English), rosaries, prayer cards, devotional booklets, and other spiritual texts are available from the chaplains and spiritual care volunteers.
General Prayers
Prayers are offered over the hospital-wide PA system in the morning and evening of each day.
End-of-Life Bereavement Care
Chaplains offer end-of-life care and grief support for families and friends. A virtual service of remembrance is organized at the system level with other Houston Methodist hospitals for patients who passed in the previous 12-months.
Biomedical Ethics Issues
Chaplains are available to help patients and families with advance care planning, including education and completion of advance directives (directive to physicians and medical power of attorney). Chaplains often provide ethical and spiritual guidance to patients, families, and staff on other sensitive and challenging issues, such as Do-Not-Resuscitate orders and use of blood products.
Hospital Chapel
The Hospital Chapel is located in the main lobby (off Houston Methodist Drive), and is always open for prayer and meditation. Catholic Mass is celebrated in the chapel on Mondays at Noon and Protestant Service is on Wednesdays at 1pm.
Contact Us
The quickest and most effective way to request the assistance of a chaplain is to ask the nurse who is providing care for you or your loved one. You may also call our 24/7 Spiritual Care hotline at 281. 52. FAITH (281.523.2484) or email hmclchaplains@houstonmethodist.org. Text the word “prayer” to 45991 to submit a confidential prayer request.
Our Team
Tracy Lee, MDiv, BCC, Director of Spiritual Care and Values Integration
Shawn Edwards, MDiv, BCC, Chaplain
Antonio Loreto, MTh, Chaplain
Simon John, MDiv, BCC, PRN Chaplain
Tamika Baker, MDiv, PRN Chaplain
Linda Tolon, MDiv, PRN Chaplain
Spiritual Care Volunteers
Spiritual care volunteers at Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital are from a variety of religious traditions and serve either as Eucharistic Spiritual Care Volunteers or Ecumenical Spiritual Care Volunteers. The Eucharistic Volunteers are primarily charged with providing Holy Communion to Catholic patients, along with addressing basic spiritual care needs. Ecumenical Volunteers visit patients without regard for religious/spiritual preference and provide basic spiritual care support. Volunteers are screened and vetted by the Spiritual Care Department and Hospital Volunteers Department and are required to attend initial and annual follow-up training administered by the system.