Haiti: Day 2
Monday, October 29, 2018
Today, we met Dr. Tristi Muir and flew from Fort Lauderdale to Toussaint Louveture International Airport near Port-au-Prince. Then, we packed our luggage, equipment and ourselves into two, five-seater planes to Pignon, where we landed at a small airfield. After arrival, we dropped off our luggage at the three-story house where we will stay all week, and then headed to Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon to meet local doctors and staff and evaluate patients, including three women identified as priority cases.
Our doctors suspect one woman may have fibroids, giving her the appearance of being 26 weeks pregnant. A second patient has suffered seven years with severe organ prolapse, meaning her organs bulge to or beyond the opening of her vagina. And a third woman has a tear from childbirth seven to eight months ago affecting her anal muscle and causing fecal incontinence. Meantime, a former patient who Muir treated during a 2016 medical mission trip came to the hospital to thank the doctor for helping her, as well as to be evaluated for a new, unrelated condition. Loosely translated, the woman’s husband thanked Muir for “creating something wonderful.” Our doctors plan to operate Tuesday.
Travel Facts:
- Each plane’s weight limit is 892 pounds
- Pignon’s airfield has a grass landing strip
Day Two Photo Highlights:
A patient who Dr. Tristi Muir treated during a 2016 medical mission trip to Haiti came to Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon Monday to thank Muir for helping her, as well as to be evaluated for an unrelated condition.
One of the two operating rooms at Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon. Our team begins treating patients Tuesday.