Volunteer Services
Frequently Asked Questions
*For Houston Methodist Hospital campus only
Does the Volunteer Services department offer observing and/or shadowing opportunities?
Observing and shadowing opportunities are not offered or permitted through the Houston Methodist Hospital Volunteer Services Department.
For Houston Methodist Hospital located in the Texas Medical Center, when may I start?
You may begin your service as a volunteer as soon as you have completed the application and onboarding process, which can take up to six weeks, depending on various factors. The onboarding process includes completing a background check, health and drug screen, safety exam, orientation and training, and the completion of various forms. The six week application and onboarding process does not count toward the volunteer time commitment requirement.
Are there opportunities for groups to volunteer?
Yes, Houston Methodist Hospital welcomes group volunteering as it provides essential support to hospital operations. Group volunteer assignments and availability vary by hospital need. Please visit the "Community Groups and Donations" Section or contact Volunteer Services at volunteer@houstonmethodist.org for more information.
What if I want to participate in the Summer Interim Track, but I attend school in the Houston area?
Currently the Summer Interim Track (SIT) is reserved for students who attend school outside of the Greater Houston area. We recommend that you apply to the Classic volunteer program when you are able to meet the track requirements.
What if I want to volunteer in the summer, but cannot commit to the 3-month minimum requirement for Classic volunteers because I attend school outside of the Houston area?
We recommend that you apply to the Summer Interim Track (SIT). This volunteer track is intended for students aged 18 years and over who reside in the Greater Houston area but attend school out of town during the school year, to have the opportunity to volunteer at HMH over the summer period.
How many hours per week must I volunteer?
We ask our volunteers to commit to one four-hour shift per week, or two four-hour shifts per week.
What are your hours of operation?
Our Volunteer Services department's hours of operation at Houston Methodist Hospital are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Holidays hours are subject to change.
What are the hours I may volunteer?
The majority of volunteer opportunities occur during our department's business hours (Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), although we do offer limited opportunities during evenings and weekends.
Is a flu shot required?
Yes, volunteers must get a flu shot every flu season as an annual hospital requirement. Exemptions for volunteers are not permitted per the Employee Health Clinic at Houston Methodist Hospital. At this time, the Employee Health Clinic policy states that no religious or medical exemptions for the flu vaccination will be accepted for volunteers.
If I have received a flu shot from somewhere outside of Houston Methodist, may I use it to fulfill this requirement?
Yes, as long as the flu shot was given within the current flu season and you present appropriate documentation. For questions, please contact your Volunteer Coordinator.
What do I do if I get my flu vaccine outside of Houston Methodist Hospital?
If you receive your flu vaccine outside of Houston Methodist Hospital and you are planning to apply during the current flu season or are currently onboarding as a Houston Methodist Hospital volunteer, it is your responsibility to submit your documentation to your volunteer coordinator, and it must include the following information. Without the following information, your flu shot record will not be accepted.
- Volunteer name and date of birth
- Date received
- Administering location
- Name of influenza vaccine and LOT #
- Manufacturer
- Site given
- Expiration date of vaccine
- Name/Signature of person administering
- Contact phone number
Not Acceptable documents: receipts, waiting tickets/slips are not acceptable, expiration date of 6/31/24, prescriptions, or stickers on badge.
Is a COVID-19 vaccine required?
Effective December 1, 2023, Houston Methodist Volunteer Services will no longer require volunteers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 as a requirement to volunteer at Houston Methodist. Houston Methodist Volunteer Services has always put the safety of patients, employees, and volunteers first. We will continue to encourage volunteers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, but it will no longer be mandated at Houston Methodist.
Is a tuberculosis (TB) test required?
Yes, to ensure volunteer and patient safety, you are required to receive a TB test during the onboarding process. Once an active volunteer, you will be screened for TB compliance on an annual basis by completing a questionnaire to assess if you need to repeat your TB test.
If I have received a TB test in the last 12 months from somewhere outside of Houston Methodist, may I use it to fulfill this requirement?
In most cases, yes, this is acceptable with proper documentation. The Employee Health Clinic at Houston Methodist Hospital will evaluate each case individually.
Are there only patient visitation assignments?
No, we offer a variety of assignments, from greeting visitors to administrative tasks. See our webpage with suggested assignments.
May I ever change assignments?
Yes, you may discuss assignment changes with your Volunteer Coordinator. We ask that you remain in your scheduled assignment for a required amount of shifts, in respect to our assignment requests processes.
May I volunteer for multiple assignments at once?
Yes, you may discuss assignment details with your Volunteer Coordinator.
If I have a criminal charge on my background check, may I still volunteer?
Having a criminal history does not disqualify you automatically from volunteering. Each case is evaluated individually for approval or rejection by the Human Resources department at Houston Methodist Hospital and the Director of Volunteer Services. It is advised to disclose the criminal history when filling out your application.
Will Volunteer Services validate my parking?
For volunteers at Houston Methodist Hospital, parking will be validated if you are coming in for Volunteer Services business - i.e. health screen, orientation, annual vaccine updates or volunteering. Volunteer Services can only validate parking for Scurlock Tower, Smith Tower and the Outpatient Center garage. Volunteer services cannot validate parking for Texas Medical Center Garages 1 or 7. Find information on parking at the Texas Medical Center on this web page.