Wellness Resources

Resources Flyer

Methodist Wellness Programs and Healthy Directions Programs
  • OPC 23rd floor
  • Employee Fitness Centers (exercise classes, yoga)
  • Weight management and nutrition
  • Massages and acupuncture
  • Fitbit Groups
  • Virgin Pulse Online Journey Programs
  • Lactation Rooms


Employee Assistance Program
LifeMatters EAP
800.634.6433 (available 24/7/365)
  • Available through employee's insurance
  • Stress, depression, and personal problems
  • Balancing work and personal needs
  • Family and relationship concerns
  • Alcohol or drug dependency
  • Financial and legal consultation
  • Workplace conflicts
  • Any other issue of concern in your life
  • Mental health resources available (10 free counseling sessions)
  • Enter anonymously with code HM1

Emotional Health and Well-being Clinic
  • Houston Methodist-staffed
  • Smith Tower - 25th floor at HMH or virtual
  • Available and free to anyone covered by an HM medical plan
  • Monday - Friday with extended hours


GME Ombudsman Program
  • Ombudsmen are faculty (physicians) and administrators (both from GME and pastoral services) appointed by Designated Institutional Official (DIO) at Houston Methodist Hospital
  • They provide a confidential and impartial resource that can help residents assess and solve disputes or problems, clarify policy/procedure, and connect you with appropriate authority to resolve conflict
  • You can also use this form to access assistance for help to resolve issues.
  • Confidential Email: hmhgmeombud@houstonmethodist.org


GME Wellness in Training (WIT) Subcommittee
  • Promotes wellness and prevention of burnout in trainees
  • Evaluates sources of stress in the working environment for trainees
  • Monitors resident fatigue and duty hours
    • Code of Professional Conduct for Faculty and Medical Staff (GME Procedure 32)
      "Houston Methodist Hospital is committed to providing unparalleled quality, safety, service, and medical education training of both graduate and undergraduate learners. This commitment also extends to ensuring that the educational environment is one in which faculty teachers and clinical supervisors display professionalism and respect for all learners."  Read More.
  • Wellness ½ days (GME Procedure 13) Every resident must be granted a one-half day of wellness in each half of the academic year, exclusive of PTO


House Staff Council (HSC)
  • Resident and fellow representation for GME
  • Social and community opportunities
  • Resident/Fellow lounge (badge access) located in A792: quiet resting spot, snacks available, and a binder containing resources for mental health and well-being
  • Organizes quarterly seminars on topics such as finance and contract negotiations


Senior Chaplain for Physicians:
  • Hilary Chala
  • Spiritual support and expertise as a "crisis de-escalator."
  • Phone: 832-712-5309


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