Seema Shah, MD
Infectious Diseases
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About Dr. Seema Shah
Dr. Seema Shah has an academic appointment. Learn more about their research interests.
Clinical Interests
Bone Infections
Infectious Diseases
Accepted Insurance Plans
Board Certification
- Infectious Diseases
- General Medicine
Medical School
- University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine-San Juan, Puerto Rico | 1983
Affiliated Hospitals
- Houston Methodist Hospital
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Academic Institute
Member, Research Institute, Academic Institute
Houston Methodist
Member, Research Institute, Academic Institute
Houston Methodist
- English
- Spanish
Languages listed are spoken by doctor and/or office staff.
Outcomes of patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma who developed an infection while receiving atezolizumab: P-409 - Abstract Book of the ESMO 25th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 2023, Barcelona, Spain, 28 June - 1 July 2023
Esmail, A, Xu, J, Burns, E, Gee, K, Wiechmann, C, Zhang, Y, Kieser, R, Gong, Z, Umoru, G, Shah, S, Sun, K, Heyne, K & Abdelrahim, M 2023, , Annals of Oncology, vol. 34, no. 51, pp. S156.,
P-409 Outcomes of patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma who developed an infection while receiving atezolizumab: Abstract Book of the ESMO 25th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 2023, Barcelona, Spain, 28 June - 1 July 2023
Esmail, A, Xu, J, Burns, E, Gee, K, Wiechmann, C, Zhang, Y, Kieser, R, Gong, Z, Umoru, G, Shah, S, Sun, K, Heyne, K & Abdelrahim, M 2023, , Annals of Oncology, vol. 34, pp. S156.
Comparison of antimicrobial impregnation with tunneling of long-term central venous catheters: A randomized controlled trial
Darouiche, RO, Berger, DH, Khardori, N, Robertson, CS, Wall, MJ, Metzler, MH, Shah, S, Mansouri, MD, Cerra-Stewart, C, Versalovic, J, Reardon, MJ & Raad, II 2005, , Annals of surgery, vol. 242, no. 2, pp. 193-200.
Prominent small bowel Ga-67 uptake associated with Yersinial and tuberculous enterocolitis
View all publicationsBrophey, M, Lamki, L, Barron, B & Shah, S 1995, , Clinical Nuclear Medicine, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 107-110.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Seema Shah?
Yes. Houston Methodist Physician Referral Services Center can help with your appointment request. For faster assistance, you may contact the physician's office directly to schedule an appointment or call 713.790.3333 for assistance in finding another doctor.
What insurance does Dr. Seema Shah accept?
See all insurance plans that Dr. Seema Shah accepts.
Where is Dr. Seema Shah office located?
Dr. Seema Shah has 1 office location(s). View complete address(es) on Dr. Seema Shah's profile.
What languages does Dr. Seema Shah speak?
Dr. Seema Shah, or the office, speaks English, Spanish.
What are Dr. Seema Shah's specialties?
Dr. Seema Shah is a specialist in Infectious Diseases.