Arif Abdullah, MD
Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology
Accepting New Patients
No Video Visits Available
Accepted Insurance Plans
Board Certification
- Interventional Cardiology | 2006
- Cardiovascular Disease | 2005
Affiliated Hospitals
- Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital
- English
Languages listed are spoken by doctor and/or office staff.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Arif Abdullah?
Yes. Please contact the physician's office directly at 936.539.5577 to schedule an appointment or call 713.790.3333 for assistance in finding another doctor.
What insurance does Dr. Arif Abdullah accept?
See all insurance plans that Dr. Arif Abdullah accepts.
Where is Dr. Arif Abdullah office located?
Dr. Arif Abdullah has 1 office location(s). View complete address(es) on Dr. Arif Abdullah's profile.
What languages does Dr. Arif Abdullah speak?
Dr. Arif Abdullah, or the office, speaks English.
What are Dr. Arif Abdullah's specialties?
Dr. Arif Abdullah is a specialist in Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology.