Tips to Live By

5 Signs of Stroke & Why Acting Quickly Is Crucial

May 6, 2024 - Katie McCallum

Your brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients in order to function, and even a brief interruption can cause brain damage. A stroke happens when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, and each year about 800,000 people experience one.

"Stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability and the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S.,” says Dr. Akhila Vijayakumar, a neurologist at Houston Methodist.

What is a stroke?

There are two major types of stroke:

  • Ischemic stroke – when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the brain
  • Hemorrhagic stroke – when blood vessel leaks or ruptures

“Almost 87% of all strokes are ischemic,” says Dr. Vijayakumar. “And uncontrolled high blood pressure is the most common cause of hemorrhagic strokes.”

Often referred to as a ministroke, a transient ischemic attack (TIA), occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is briefly interrupted.

“A TIA is a warning sign of a stroke, so emergency care is crucial,” Dr. Vijayakumar explains. “Recognizing and treating TIAs can lower the risk of a major stroke.”

Learn to recognize the signs of stroke

Preventing permanent brain damage, and even death, means knowing the signs and symptoms of a stroke and acting quickly by calling 911 immediately. Keep in mind, someone experiencing a stroke may not be able to call for help, or may not understand that he or she is in danger.

To quickly recognize and handle a stroke event, you'll need to BE FAST. This acronym can help you remember the signs and symptoms of a stroke, as well as what to do if someone is experiencing one.


what a stroke looks like and what to do if someone is experiencing one

Why is immediate medical care for stroke so important?

Time is key. If you or someone else exhibits any stroke symptoms, immediate medical attention is critical. It may minimize the long-term effects of a stroke and even prevent death.

“With every minute that passes after a large vessel stroke, about 2 million neurons die,” says Vijayakumar. “It is critical to call 911 and get to the emergency room as quickly as possible.”

“Early treatment with a clot-buster medication or, in selected cases, clot retrieval using endovascular techniques can help significantly improve outcome and reduce the chance of disability related to stroke,” she continues.

Categories: Tips to Live By
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