Tips to Live By

How to Build a Healthy Sandwich

June 10, 2020 - Katie McCallum

When it comes to a quick and easy lunch option that fits into a busy workday, sandwiches reign supreme. But, where there's bread and cheese, there may also be concern about whether or not what you're eating is actually healthy. Should you be eating something like a salad instead?

"At the end of a meal, your stomach feels full based on the volume that fills it up, not the calories," explains Leslie Ramirez, clinical dietitian at Houston Methodist. "With a sandwich, there's plenty of opportunity to increase volume without increasing calories. So, done correctly, a sandwich doesn't have to an unhealthy choice at all."

But, as with all healthy food choices, there are do's and dont's when it comes to building a sandwich that's healthy.

Categories: Tips to Live By
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