Jagannath Lab
About the Lab
Our Team
A major focus of the Jagannath laboratory is strengthening the immune system of vulnerable populations, including infants and individuals with immunodeficiency, through targeted vaccination strategies. In collaboration with pulmonary physicians at Houston Methodist, we are also investigating ways to analyze and strengthen alveolar macrophage-based immune defenses in the human lung to prevent infections.
Our Team
Chinnaswamy Jagannath, PhD
Professor of Pathology and Genomic Medicine, Academic Institute
Member, Research Institute, Academic Institute
Department of Pathology & Genomic Medicine
Center for Infectious Diseases
Houston Methodist
Weill Cornell Medical College
Abhishek Mishra. PhD, Research Associate I
Varsha Rawat PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow I
Opportunities for Trainees
The Jagannath laboratory is accepting applications for summer research trainees. Rotations in my lab provide hands-on experience with cell culture and animal model-based methods in systems immunobiology, focusing on vaccine development. Trainees will gain valuable skills in testing and validated vaccines using mice and humanized mouse models.
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