For Residents & Fellows
Useful Information for Current & Prospective Residents.
Call and Sleep Room System
Ombudsman Program
Learn More
What is a call room?
Programs who always have residents or fellows assigned to overnight call at the hospital after a day of in-house duty are provided call rooms. Each room has a telephone and private (lockable) bathroom with shower, sink, and toilet. Call rooms are limited and not all programs have a call room. GME manages a small number of previously assigned rooms for certain programs. If you are taking call for a program with a call room, the program will notify you of its location and how to access the room(s).
Call rooms must be vacated by 8:00 am to allow housekeeping to clean the rooms. Call rooms are not to be used once housekeeping has cleaned the rooms. Residents found to be using call rooms during the day will receive a warning and may face subsequent adverse academic action.
What is a sleep room?
Sleep rooms are temporary lodging quarters for residents who are on-call from home or who become too tired to drive home. Methodist has a limited number of sleep rooms. Each sleep room has one or two beds, nightstands, and lamps as well as a telephone and private (lockable) bathroom with shower, sink, and toilet. If there are two beds in a sleep room, the sleep room is assigned by gender. Rooms are assigned by the Call Center (Dunn 202).
What happens if the Call Center “runs out” of sleep rooms for assignment?
If all sleep rooms are assigned, the Call Center (Dunn 202) works with the Bed Assignment Administrator to find space for trainees who need a sleep room.
Please DO NOT sleep in patient care areas, the Crain Garden, or the library. Go to the Call Center and ask for a sleep room. If the Call Center assigns you to an open patient room, you must vacate the room by 6:00 am, which is earlier than the 7:30 am check-out time for the “regular” sleep rooms.
Where does a trainee go to be assigned a sleep room?
Residents and fellows should go to the Call Center, located in Dunn 202 (on the same corridor leading to the Telecommunications Center) after 9:00 pm. The Call Center is operated 24 hours, 7 days a week. Residents must present their Methodist ID badge to be eligible for a sleep room assignment. The Call Center cannot verify a resident without his/her badge. For residents who are rotating to Methodist from other institutions, their Methodist ID badge also indicates their primary institution. Rotating residents will not be issued a sleep room without a Methodist ID badge.
How long can a resident use a sleep room?
A resident may not be assigned a sleep room before 9:00 pm. The resident may stay in the sleep room until 8:00 am. The sleep room must be vacated no later than 8:00 am in order for housekeeping to clean the room.
Because housekeeping and other residents/fellows may be accessing these rooms, Protected Health Information (PHI) must not be left unsecured in the call rooms, sleep rooms or the common area.
A locked bin is located in the common area for disposing of any PHI.
The following policies, found on Policy Tech, apply to PHI: BP07, HR12, IM22. Houston Methodist and its employees are subject to criminal penalties for failure to abide by HIPAA policies. There may be civil fines for failure to comply with requirements or standards. Penalties for wrongful or intentional disclosure of PHI include criminal fines and imprisonment. Fines range from $100/violation ($25,000 per year cap) to $50,000/violation ($1,500,000 per year cap). Individuals may be subject to criminal enforcement under HIPAA for wrongfully obtaining or disclosing PHI.
For more information or questions about the Houston Methodist call room system, please contact:
Phillip Stewart, EdD, MBA
Director, Graduate Medical Education
Houston Methodist Hospital
Ombudsman Program
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Each ombudsman is knowledgeable about hospital processes and graduate medical education training issues, requirements, and procedures. As impartial and confidential resources, the ombudsmen can help residents assess and solve disputes or problems. The ombudsmen do not have the authority to make decisions but can inform and refer residents to the individuals with that authority.
The ombudsman program is an alternative mechanism for residents to voice their concerns and to solve disputes. The program does not take the place of program directors and faculty in listening to resident concerns nor of the designated institutional official in handling due process and grievance procedures. The program supplements can be found through PolicyTech, a valid Houston Methodist ID and password are needed. For more information, please contact the GME Office.
Who are the ombudsmen?
The ombudsmen are faculty, residents or administrators who have been appointed with their consent by the director of graduate medical education at Houston Methodist Hospital and the designated institutional official to ensure confidentiality. Our staff participants are as follows:
Suzanne Powell, MD, Vice Chair of Education, Pathology
Rose Khavari, MD, Program Director, Urology Residency
Angelina Edwards, MD, Program Director, Nephrology
David Baskin, MD Program Director, Neurosurgery
Ombudsmen provide services to residents, and no ombudsman will hear the specific concerns of residents in his or her own program. Only the ombudsman will have knowledge of trainees’ requests for assistance. If you are seeking spiritual care, we have representation who can be of assistance or provide guidance.
What can an ombudsman do for me?
- Hear your issues and concerns
- Clarify issues of policy and procedures
- Identify and evaluate your options for managing and resolving conflicts
- Identify and facilitate avenues of communication
- Gather information or conduct informal fact-finding
- Connect you with the appropriate individuals at your request
How can I be sure that the process is confidential?
The ombudsmen will not keep personally identifiable records of matters discussed with them. They may not reveal your identity or discuss your issues or concerns without your specific permission (except as required by law and they must inform you of this).
Are there other ways for me to raise concerns or issues?
There are several mechanisms to raise concerns:
- To your program director and program faculty; many programs designate a mentor for each resident;
- To one of the peer-nominated and selected resident representatives to the GMEC (see GME internet website for their names);
- To the Designated Institutional Official through an open-door policy or confidentially.
You should read and understand the procedures relating to problem-solving that apply to you as residents.
To contact an ombudsman:
- Use the anonymous online form
- Use the confidential email:
- In the body of the message, describe how you wish to be contacted (by email, by phone, by pager, etc.). You will receive a response from one of our ombudsmen within 1 business (M-F) day. Please feel free to specify which ombudsman you would prefer to respond to you.
- In the body of the message, describe how you wish to be contacted (by email, by phone, by pager, etc.). You will receive a response from one of our ombudsmen within 1 business (M-F) day. Please feel free to specify which ombudsman you would prefer to respond to you.
- If you do not receive a response or for more information about the Ombudsman Program, please contact :
Phillip Stewart, EdD, MBA
Director, Graduate Medical Education
Houston Methodist Hospital
Wellness Resources
Methodist Wellness Programs and Healthy Directions Programs
- OPC 23rd floor
- Employee Fitness Centers (exercise classes, yoga)
- Weight management and nutrition
- Massages and acupuncture
- Fitbit Groups
- Virgin Pulse Online Journey Programs
- Lactation Rooms
Employee Assistance Program
LifeMatters EAP
800.634.6433 (available 24/7/365)
- Available through employee's insurance
- Stress, depression, and personal problems
- Balancing work and personal needs
- Family and relationship concerns
- Alcohol or drug dependency
- Financial and legal consultation
- Workplace conflicts
- Any other issue of concern in your life
- Mental health resources available (10 free counseling sessions)
- Enter anonymously with code HM1
Emotional Health and Well-being Clinic
- Houston Methodist-staffed
- Smith Tower - 25th floor at HMH or virtual
- Available and free to anyone covered by an HM medical plan
- Monday - Friday with extended hours
GME Ombudsman Program
- Ombudsmen are faculty (physicians) and administrators (both from GME and pastoral services) appointed by Designated Institutional Official (DIO) at Houston Methodist Hospital
- They provide a confidential and impartial resource that can help residents assess and solve disputes or problems, clarify policy/procedure, and connect you with appropriate authority to resolve conflict
- You can also use this form to access assistance for help to resolve issues.
- Confidential Email:
- Promotes wellness and prevention of burnout in trainees
- Evaluates sources of stress in the working environment for trainees
- Monitors resident fatigue and duty hours
- Code of Professional Conduct for Faculty and Medical Staff (GME Procedure 32)
"Houston Methodist Hospital is committed to providing unparalleled quality, safety, service, and medical education training of both graduate and undergraduate learners. This commitment also extends to ensuring that the educational environment is one in which faculty teachers and clinical supervisors display professionalism and respect for all learners." Read More.
- Code of Professional Conduct for Faculty and Medical Staff (GME Procedure 32)
- Wellness ½ days (GME Procedure 13) Every resident must be granted a one-half day of wellness in each half of the academic year, exclusive of PTO
House Staff Council (HSC)
- Resident and fellow representation for GME
- Social and community opportunities
- Resident/Fellow lounge (badge access) located in A792: quiet resting spot, snacks available, and a binder containing resources for mental health and well-being
- Organizes quarterly seminars on topics such as finance and contract negotiations
Chaplains for Physicians:
- Dr. Kory Fontenot
- Spiritual Care and Well-being Champion
- Phone: 832-986-8257
Other Useful Links:
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Physician Well-Being
- This includes the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Harris County Medical Society Encourages Physician Wellness
- Free resources available
- Resident Fatigue Transportation
- Free resources available
Upcoming Academic Events
Grand rounds, tumor boards, regularly scheduled series and case presentations are offered in multiple clinical disciplines and Houston Methodist locations.
MAPTA Presents: Time Management
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Ciandra Gaston, MEd
Mar 14 @ 12PM
See Details
Fundamentals of Responsible Conduct of Research
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Mar 17 @ 11AM
See Details