

  • Our curriculum is X+Y, organized in a 6+2 structure.
  • Example:  4 weeks on UTS, 2 weeks on inpatient elective, 2 weeks on ambulatory elective.

Curriculum 2024-2025



We are proud of our excellent educational conferences including:


  • Resident-led Morning Report
  • Board Review
  • Game Show Style Board Review
  • Journal Club
  • Evidence-Based Medicine
  • System-Based Practice (Morbidity & Mortality)
  • Quality Improvement/Patient Safety




Most conferences are resident-led which allows for development of research and presentation skills.  Morning Reports are often joined by subspecialist attendings who add valuable expert opinion and context to the case being discussed.




An annual week-long orientation that focuses on developing skills to allow our interns to excel during residency.  Boot Camp consists of mock-code simulations, introduction to POCUS, EKG reviews, writing notes, and practicing safe patient hand-offs.


Project CVC

All our residents receive simulation-based training for ultrasound-guided venous catheter placement using a task trainer.  Our CVC placement training program effectively increases knowledge, skill and confidence in CVC placement.

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

We offer a longitudinal course to teach every resident the basics of POCUS relevant to Hospital Medicine through faculty-led didactics and hands-on skills sessions.


The course includes monthly POCUS Noon Conferences, a basic skills workshop for every intern, skills practice sessions and life-scanning opportunities while on the inpatient services.


We have handheld ultrasound units (Butterfly) for each UTS team available as well as 3 portable units which can be used while on UTS.  The MICU and CICU units are equipped with their own ultrasound units and residents have the opportunity to scan during their rotations as well.




Learn more about our regularly scheduled grand rounds.